
I think that it has a character to be necessary for a man.
And next important thing is chemistry.
Then, gently, future, and looks.

7 件のコメント:

  1. That's right,
    "future" is very important.
    We have to investigate closely into their future, like how much they would get achead.

  2. I agree with you so much because I see his characteristic!! Next, I also love good looking men♪♪

    I want you to see my graph!!
    Maybe, we can understand both of us♪♪
    In addtion, my request is many:P
    I have many points which I see very well!!!

  3. Hi!!
    I agree with your opinion!!
    I choiced character for most important item.
    I think if I spend time with pertner, character is very important.

  4. Hello:)

    I agree with you.
    My best important thing is character.
    And, I think chemistry is important, too.
    If a partner and I don't hit it off well together, I can't spend time with him...

  5. Hi TATATA@,
    I agree with you, character is the most important and next is chemistry.
    If we have very different personalities our relationship will be over soon.

  6. Hello!
    I agree with your opinion.
    I think most importnat point is character.

  7. Hi!
    I also think character is very important.
    And I am surprised that "looks" is the smallest part of the your graph.
